<aside> 💡 For information on amending data in the portal, go here.



General principles

Entries into the portal should be descriptive of the actor, initiative, output, or event the entry describes. If text is included in the content or excerpt fields, it should be reproduced from the already published resource or the actor or initiative’s official materials.

To obtain a comprehensive and accurate overall picture of the transparency initiatives landscape, it is important to balance considerations of accuracy and fair comment with the need to maintain a trusted environment for participation among all stakeholder groups.

Primary authority on content, aside from the ACT’s overall editorial control, should sit with the parties responsible for producing or administering the initiative, output, event, or actor described in an entry.

<aside> 💡 You can find more about our editorial approach and the principles guiding that approach here.

Purpose and function of the portal


Non-English languages

The Portal can receive data in non-English languages and is capable of multi-lingual support – we hope to roll this out in future iterations. See here for more.

Data entry

The usual method – entry form on TIP website

Most data entry from general users will take place via an Airtable form accessible on the portal homepage that places their submitted data into a temporary staging area on Airtable for validation and processing by the project lead. While this will be effective for individual submissions from general users, it is not ideal for bulk data entry.

<aside> 💡 If you have any questions about the fields used in this form, go here, or if you’re finding it difficult to decide how to make decisions about classifying an entry, go here.


If you’re entering a large number of entries, the Airtable form might be a little inconvenient. If so, we have two other methods available to you, which we can share upon request (see below).

Bulk data entry methods

There are two methods of bulk entry available to trusted users who will be adding a large number of items.

  1. A set of four ‘trusted input’ Airtable forms that input information directly into the main Airtable database. These let you immediately link to other entries that you’ve only just entered, unlike the public facing form. We can provide you with access to these forms upon request.
  2. A structured Google Sheet with drop down options, in close communication with the project lead. This sheet has some unavoidable quirks and is less intuitive than the Airtable forms above, and as such would benefit from a brief discussion with the project lead. We will make ourselves available for such discussions when requested.

<aside> ❗ If you would like to access either of these bulk upload methods, contact the project lead.
