
This page will be updated over time to capture questions that frequently come up from users of the portal.

<aside> 💡 In addition to this page, frequent questions and “known issues” with entering data into the portal are managed on a separate page – access it by following this link.


List of frequently asked questions

How should I enter commentary or analysis?

How do I correct, edit or amend existing entries?

Can I enter data in non-English languages?

How can I contact you about an issue with the portal?

I have a suggestion for changing the way the portal receives and stores data

How should I decide whether to create links between entries, initiatives, products, or events?

What is the “end date” for my event?

The entry I am making has the exact same title as another entry. What should I do?

Is my entry or initiative significant enough to enter into the portal? Is the entry or initiative within scope?

The portal’s data seems to have a bias toward particular countries, companies, or types of output – why is that?